4 Unexpected Places in Your Home Where You May Find Asbestos
Asbestos is a naturally occurring mineral once widely used in construction and other industries. It is known for its fire-resistant and insulation properties. However, it was later discovered that asbestos fibres could cause serious health problems. These vary from breathing troubles to lung cancer. The Harms of Asbestos: Today, the use of asbestos is banned or heavily regulated in many countries. However, it can still be found in many unexpected places, including your home. As a homeowner, your primary task is to remove the traces of this harmful material from your vicinity. Collaborating with an asbestos removal company in Richmond can help. Unusual Places to Find Traces of Asbestos: Here are four unexpected places in your home where you can find asbestos: Floor Tiles and Adhesive: Asbestos was commonly used in floor tiles and adhesives in homes built before 1980. If you have older tiles in your home, it is important to have them tested for asbestos. You should do this before attemp...